This is very useful for Hackintosh models (homemade Macs) since they need a valid Mac model name, but don't always have the proper sensor list to match it. Hackintosh - Use this option to enable the generic sensor mode which will dynamically determine which sensors are available instead of by Mac model. For example, it could be something like Shift-Control-F or Shift-Command-Option-M, and so on.Ĭonsole Output - This is for debugging purposes and you generally not be checked unless requested to do so by Tunabelly support.
Then press the keyboard combination you'd like. HotKeys - If you'd like to be able to press a keyboard combination to show the main window, check the checkbox for the one you'd like then click the 'Record shortcut' button. The default is 10 seconds and is usually a good compromise between continuous updates and not querying too often. Update Frequency - This is how often TG Pro checks temperatures and fan speeds. This is the most common setting since it allows the app to run in the background and still provide the status menu (and from there the main window as well). Run Mode - To have the app run in the background with no dock icon or menu bar, choose 'Background'. Login - To have the app started automatically when starting or logging into your Mac, check the 'Automatically launch TG Pro' checkbox.